First Time Home Builders Story – What It Was Like Working With Schumacher Homes

Building your first home is a great milestone in life, but it can also feel overwhelming. As first-time homebuilders, our minds were filled with so many questions. Where do we even begin? How much can we afford? What type of house plan suits our needs? Who can help guide us through this process? The journey ahead seemed daunting. However, we tried to focus on the joy of planting our roots, making a space our own, and starting a new chapter. This would be the first home we could truly call our own – our little slice of the world to nurture and grow in. While the road to homeownership had its challenges, it was ultimately rewarding to take ownership of my future. We knew the work would pay off the moment we held those keys in our hands for the very first time.

My wife and I had been renting a small apartment for years. Though it was affordable, we were starting to feel cramped, especially as we began to think about starting a family. We also disliked some of the restrictions and uncertainties of renting – not being able to paint the walls or make modifications, the possibility of rent increases, and the lack of control over maintenance issues.

We decided it was time to look into custom building our first home for several key reasons:

  • More space. We wanted extra bedrooms for future children and guest rooms, plus more room to entertain friends and family. A yard would also give us more room for the kids and pets to play.
  • Customization. We were excited about the possibility of choosing our own paint colors, flooring, cabinets, and other finishes. And being able to renovate and make additions over time as our family grows.
  • Stability. We were tired of the uncertainties of renting, like not knowing if our lease would be renewed or our rent increased. Owning a home provided more long-term stability.
  • Control. As homeowners, we could make whatever renovations we wanted without needing a landlord’s permission. And we wouldn’t have to wait for someone else to fix issues – we could address maintenance and repairs on our own timeline.

After considering all of these factors, we felt confident building our own home was the right next step for us. We were ready to stop renting and become first-time homeowners.

Finding the right builder was crucial for us as first time homebuyers. We didn’t know much about the home building process, so we wanted a builder who could guide us every step of the way. A few people suggested we work with Schumacher Homes, who came highly recommended. We set up an initial meeting with them to get a feel for their experience and expertise.

Ultimately, we knew Schumacher Homes was the perfect builder for us. They made the entire process smooth and stress-free. They became our trusted advisor – we felt like they truly had our best interests in mind. Their expertise and guidance were invaluable for first time home builders like us. We’d recommend them to anyone looking to build their home.

Once we signed the contract and finalized the home plans, it was time for Schumacher Homes to start building. We were amazed at how quickly the process moved once construction began.

Within the first week, the lot was cleared and the foundation was poured. Schumacher Homes project manager kept us updated with photos of the progress as the framing went up. It was incredible to see the outline of the house take shape.

About 5 weeks into construction, it was time for us to meet with Schumacher Homes’ design team again to pick interior finishes like flooring, cabinets, lighting fixtures, and hardware. This was a fun part of the process, but it required some decisive choices!

Throughout the process, Schumacher Homes’ project manager coordinated all of the subcontractors and provided us with a detailed timeline. Construction moved quickly and efficiently. Within 3 months, the house was fully framed, wired, plumbed, insulated, and drywalled.

The finishing touches like paint, trim, tiling, and flooring took another 6 weeks or so. Schumacher Homes kept us updated with photos of our home coming together. As our move-in date approached, the anticipation built.

Overall, we were very impressed with the organized and efficient build process. Schumacher Homes delivered exactly what they promised, on schedule and on budget. Just 9 months after we first met with Schumacher Homes, we received the keys to our beautiful new home. It was an exciting journey!

Looking back on our experience as first time home builders with Schumacher Homes, it was an exciting and rewarding journey, though not without some challenges along the way. As young professionals building our first house, We had a lot to learn about the process. But the team at Schumacher Homes made it as smooth as possible.

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